Making A List, Checking It Twice
June 6, 2016 - 1 minute readHurricanes and disasters don’t care if you’ve been naughty or nice. What matters for everyone – whether at work or at home – is preparation.
Don’t wait until a hurricane or other natural disaster is forecast. Start planning now by making a list of the things you will need in the event of a crisis. Stock up on the things that can be stored, and have a list of those items you will need to buy just before a storm hits.
While not an exhaustive list, here are some ideas. At work or at home, think about stocking up on:
- Drinking water for 2-3 days
- Non-perishable snack foods
- Flashlights and batteries, or light sticks
- Portable radio and batteries
- First-aid kit
- Blankets
- Spare laptops with critical infrastructure information pre-programmed
- Pads of paper & pens
- Spare cell phones
- Charging units with 24 hour timers
- A bull horn
- A tool for cutting
- An electrical converter for your automobile
- Generators
- A battery-operated clock
- Sheets of plywood
- Duct tape
- A simple can opener
- Cans of spray paint